Product Details:
The combination of frost-free technology and hyperFresh 0ºC innovation, for ultimate freshness and convenience.
noFrost technology prevents icing and frosting - never defrost your freezer again.
LED light – Ample, even lighting helps you check what’s in your fridge faster.
Easily see what's in your fridge.
Thanks to flush-mounted LED lighting, the interior of your fridge is evenly lit so you can easily check what’s inside. Since the lights are cleverly mounted at the front of the fridge, your fridge contents won’t dim their brightness. Even better, the LED lights are long-lasting and energy efficient.
The fruit and vegetables stay crispy in the drawer with wavy bottom.
The iceTwister for ice cubes on demand. Easy to refill.
Easy to refill for continuous ice: the iceTwister.
Enjoy your own personal ice cube service. Simply activate the iceTwister and receive up to 20 ice cubes at once right away. The water tank is very easy to remove for reliable refilling.
The safetyGlass shelves are of extra strong, easy-cleaning safety glass.
Made in China.
零度無霜3門雪櫃,白色玻璃門,總(淨)容量:284 (275)公升,hyperFresh 0 °C 保鮮格,
3獨立製冷系統, LED電子溫控, Super 極速冷藏及冷凍功能, LED 櫃內照明, 雙頻式壓縮機
櫃外多功能顯示屏, 隱藏式把手設計容易安裝,香港1級能源標籤,可提供左右門之選擇
環保雪種,旋轉式製冰格, 高x闊x深: 185.4 x 60(61.4*) x 66.8厘米, 73 x 23.6 (24.2*) x 26.3吋, (*包括門板濶度,深度包括後方定位作通風), 中國製造